It has been a long time coming; this post. Whats it been like 4 months now? Colyn just isnt gonna let me quit on this blogging stuff. He keeps reminding me that we need to post the lastest happenings. A lot has happend since I have last done anything. It is too daunting to try to go all the way back to Halloween so I am just going to go current. Since this is a way for Grandpa and Grandma Macdonald to get the lastest and greatest (or not so greatest) news these post might give you a peek into my personal life. Its a stretch for me....I know! But since I havent talked to them since they have been gone and I cant possibly count on Colyn to give any accurate updates on whats going on with me I will sacrifice what I consider private, highly classified information for them. It may lead to this blog going private...who knows.
So to start, I FINALLY went in and got my boipsy on my tumor. OUCH!!! It didnt feel good. I thought epidurals were scary. Lets just say a needle to the throat was icing on the cake after every test I have had to do! Results on Monday, so I will keep you (Sandy) updated. Hopefully everything will come back normal. On the flip side and much to my disappointment my parasthesia is back for another visit. I have had a bad back ache for a long time. And when I say long I mean like 4 months long. It comes and goes and I never really have let it be an issue. Soon after my jaw started locking. Then my whole back would get stiff in the morning. I couldnt touch my chin to my chest, My SI Joint in my hips were really bugging me and it has gotten so bad that I really cant bend over. After three months of this I find out from my mom that my grandma had a disease called Ankylosing spondylitis. I have never been tested but my aunt and cousin have the gene marker that can make a predisosition to have this disease. So I am back to stage 1 and going in for blood work to test for a hopefully negative HLA-B27 gene test. I did however go to a myropractor to get adjusted and it helped. He said I have lost the curvature in my lower spine and that I am really stiff. We will see. Hope its nothing more that a nagging alignment problem.
We had an amazing christmas and Jaxon had his 6 birthday. He has grown up so fast. He is doing amazing in school and is a social little guy. We have been pleasantly suprised by the success he has had in a regular classroom. He continues to prove us and all who work with him at school wrong. They all say he is SOOOO SMART!
Gracie went to eight is great early this month. It is hard to believe that I have a child old enough to get baptized. She is so prepared though, continuing to ask the most mind boggling questions about the gospel. By the end of the day my mind is absolutly fried. She knows 3X the amout as most the kids in senior primary though, quickly raising her hand to all questions asked. To my benefit it makes me look like a really good mom. Unless of course the teachers know me personally. They cant be fooled.
Conner is our little einstein boy. The kid is too smart for his own good. He keeps us on our toes.
And finally Olivia.........she's just ooey gooey delishiousness. We are all gaga for her.
Colyn is still hard at work with lots of it (knock on wood) and gone alot with his calling but doing great! His new years resolution- to be RIPPED! by summer. We will see how that pans out with all the extra time he has to kill during the day! We always manage to have good fun when he is around though. This year we continued our family tradition of getting our truck stuck while delivering goodies to our friends for Christmas. Last year it was the mud, this year it was a ditch. Atleast I didnt have to climb out of a window 6 months pregnant because the doors wouldnt open from the mud that was up to our door handles. Enough said, He wont be jointing us in the years to come!
The following pictures are from Jaxons Birthday in Flagstaff. We went sledding, it was good fun! Christmas, Jaxons B-day party and other randoms! Love you all, Hope all is going well!