I cant really believe that this is my 8th mothers day.
Where does the time go? I am so grateful to be a mom to 4
amazing children who have helped me to grow in so many ways!
I was just making the rounds from room to room to assess
the damage of the sunday messes and I overheard my Conner
singing a song. This year I taught the primary kids a song for
mothers day that was really cute. He was in the bathroom singing
it quietly to himself while getting ready for bed.
It is so sweet to hear your little ones do things like that.
I am so blessed to know that I have a husband and kids
that love me as the mother in their lives. I am also happy to have
a mother and a mother in law who take good care of us and
love us so much! This was such a fabulous mothers day for me
and I hope it was equally as great for all of you!