This month Gracie is getting baptized. Im scratching my head wondering what happened to the time? I really cant believe that she is already 8. In all honesty it is sort of sad :( not sad that she is getting baptized, but sad that she is big enough to be. Gracie is such a good kid. She tries hard in school and is soooo well behaved. These are some of my favorite things about her
1. She wants to know things! I was never a really interested child. She asks so many questions that at the end of the day my head hurts! She challenges me to know my stuff (esecially about the gospel because that is about 80% of her questions)!
2. She is so nice! She is probably the most like kid in her class because she is super nice to everyone. She always asks me what she can say to a friend to brighten their day!
3. She is an amazing help to me. She is my Go-to-Girl for everything from diapers to the mail!
4. She is funny and has a crazy giggle
5. She loves to sing and does some great things during solo time at FHE!
6. She has a big heart and a desire to be a really great kid! She has the knowledge of a YW about the gospel IMO!
Thankyou Gracie for being such a great girl! And so stinkin beautiful. You melt my heart!

OH. MY. GOSH. These pictures are amazing. You can seriously feel the Spirit as you look at them. What a special time. I wish I remembered more about my Baptism.