July 23, 2010

If a picture is worth 1000 words.....what would this picture say?

So then, what does this picture say? Not sure if you can see me too well in this photo but I literally had water dripping off of my chin, hence the reason I look very unhappy. To start this story off then! It was an overcast and cold Monday morning at Legoland! This was one of the first rides we went on and my kids were so excited to get to go on this ride and shoot the water guns! I wanted Colyn to go with them, but no! He suckered me into it somehow. Right as we were about to get on the ride I turned and asked the boys that were operating the ride if I was going to get wet! They said only a little bit! Okay then, I could do this. Nothing to worry about. Doing my best to dodge every little splash of water, about halfway through the ride I wasn't the least bit wet. Then I see her......glaring at me with this smirk on her face. Straight out of the stix from Oklahoma Im sure. Red frizzy hair and over-alls, how could she not be? On top of that she looked like trouble, and immediately it made me worried as to why she was staring at me with that expression. Then......it happened. This ride at the very end was lined with spray guns that the observers could spray at the ones on the ride. So she embraced the opportunity to soak me, and soak me she did! There she stood at the the first gun and started spraying me right in the face. Not kidding, she had really good aim. Thats when I noticed how incredibly slow that boat was actually moving. Did it stop there? No!!! She then moved to the next gun, and the next, and the next! Seriously? It took everything I had not to yell at her but for the sake of my kids I didn't. Thus the picture. This was me, soaked and very very mad. Mad at that awful lady and at Colyn. Of course I had to be upset with him too! He was the one that talked me into going after all. Gracefully, I put on a happy face (after this picture of course) rung out my hair with paper towels and pretended not to be freezing cold for the rest of the day. However, I will forever curse this ride. And that Lady, wherever she is. So, take this as a warning and never ever ride this ride. And if you do, don't appear to be a total priss trying to avoid getting wet or some trouble maker might soak you!!!!!

July 16, 2010


We recently went on a trip to Huntington Beach! It was a blast.
Nice weather, family (Travis and Nat were also there + Jolayne),
the beach, and did I mention nice weather. Today I think that anything
under 100 F would be classified as nice, and I wish I would have
appreciated it more. While we were there we went to Legoland.
My boys were over the top excited about it! We went on a Monday,
and it really payed off. There weren't very many people and the
weather was beautiful in the high 60s! Bliss!!! Much to my suprise
Gracie, Jaxon and Conner were tall enough to go on every ride except one.
Conner was too short! He was very upset. I told him he needed to eat
all of his food so he could grow really tall and be able to go on it next
time we came. It worked for a day. We got there 20 minutes prior to it
opening and left as they were closing the gates. Gotta get our moneys worth,
even if it puts you in a bad mood right? It was a little much for
Olivia but she managed! We had a lot of fun and the kids loved it too.
Im thankful I can do fun things like this with my family!!!!

Outside of Legoland bright and
early. Jaxons really pumped

They had this great station for the kids to stop off and build lego cars.
They give you the wheels at the entrance and you design a car.
The coolest part is that you get to race your car to see how
fast it is on one of the fancy pinewood derby tracks. I think
we were there for close to 2 hours. Jaxon just kept going and going!

This ride obviously wasn't as scary as it looks judging by the expression
on my face. I really need to get out more!

He looks like he is trying to be cool, but he was telling me
how many times she had splashed him. He had to go
with all the kids one at a time because it was a water ride.
He went with Conner first then Jaxon without getting wet.
Gracie had a good time getting him soaked!

She is too pretty!

This is how Liv passed the time that day.
I dont know who she thought she was talking to on her
Lego phone but she was very entertained

She is oooey gooey deliciousness if you ask me!

Thats right! Conner passed his driving test!
The roads are now officially unsafe

Jaxon driving a boat

Worst ride ever!!!!!! That post deserves its own, soon to come.

I really want to know where the boy in seat 6 gets his
excitment for life, and if he could give me some of it!
He was hysterical to watch!

At the end of the day, we were tired and achy and ready to go home

July 15, 2010

Legoland.....Day 2

The 2nd day back to Legoland didn't start off very well.
Conner rubbed sunscreen into his eyes with 30 minutes left in the car.
That being said you can imagine what we all had to endure for a grueling half an hour!
I have to admit I had forgotten how bad this burns your
eyes so my sympathies weren't what they should have been.
Later that day I got it in my eyes. Karma! So Bad, I had to wash
my eyes out in the sink of a public restroom.
No pink eye. Lesson Learned! Needless to say we had a lot of fun
at the new water park there and Sea Life Aquarium.
No pictures were taken at the water park because I was
temporarily blind!

First picture of the Day!!!! Conners still at it...poor kid!

Looking into the Aquarium of sharks and Rays
from below. It was pretty cool!

Frightening! Even with a thick wall of glass between me
and my 2nd greatest fear (1st being a Cockroach) I still
hear the Jaws theme playing in my mind.

Cute Kids! I must say!

Ummm! This is the only picture we got of Olivia
smiling for the camera that day so Enjoy!
She sure is cute

And that is why I do not casually wade through the ocean!
For all of you who do, chances are your foot has
brushed along a very big, very gross slug!

What if Conners nose really looked like that! HAHA

She lost her patience pretty quick!

I had to change the color of this photo to make
my legs a bit darker. It seriously would risk a possible burn
to the cornea.